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Explode Your Impact and Maximize Your Life

Transform your life and your business in a changing world.
Leverage art, science and technology to achieve the wealth, health, happiness, lifestyle, money, and business you deserve. Find out how to create massive impact from the
people leading the charge.

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Celebrating 20 Years of Creating Impact

Get Three Days Filled With The Most Powerful Ideas, Techniques and Marketing Strategies You’ve Ever Experienced As You Create a Life-Time of Personal Relationships with Top-Level Partners, plus …
Your Own Action Plan to Experience
Dazzling Freedom, Solid Finances and Remarkable Impact!

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Coming to Orlando, Florida

September 22nd – 24th, 2023

Holiday Inn & Suites Across From Universal Orlando
5916 Caravan Ct, Orlando, FL 32819


Why Should You Attend This Remarkable Event?

  • Great Speakers

    At “The Impact Event”, our world-class speakers and super panel will show you the strategies most people don’t know about.

  • Networking

    You’ll not only learn the latest and most advanced marketing strategies available, you’ll also find powerful partners to help you spread your ideas, products, and services around the globe.

  • The Latest Strategies

    Expand your ideas, your mindset and your results as you touch the lives of millions.
    Leverage multiple media channels to broaden your reach.
    Discover the secrets of getting radio, television and press coverage
    Explore how the Internet and social media can expand your audience
    Experience the magic of learning to create a mass audience!

  • Have Fun

    Have a blast! Upgrade your life, your wealth, your health, your lifestyle, and your business as you gain the knowledge, tools, experience and insights necessary to drive millions of people to your ideas, programs, products and services.

Visionary Speakers
Expert Panelists
Potential Partners
Years of Creating Impact

What to Expect

Live Your Dream, Reboot Your Life. Elevate Your Impact

Goals of the Conference

Celebrate over two decades of changing lives with the Impact family.
Build close lifetime relationships with top-level marketers and thought leaders.
Get Advanced Marketing Strategies and Tactics to build your own mass audience of millions of fans eager to follow your ideas and projects and fund your goals and dreams!

Learning Objectives

Expand your ideas, your mindset and your results as you touch the lives of millions.
Leverage multiple media channels to broaden your reach.
Discover the secrets of getting radio, television and press coverage
Explore how the Internet and social media can expand your audience
Experience the magic of learning to create a mass audience!

This is Perfect For You!

Authors, speakers, musicians, artists, celebrities, experts, marketers, advocates, non-profit organizations, corporations and anyone who wants to reach the masses, gain the knowledge, tools, experience and insights necessary to drive millions of people to their ideas, programs, products and services will crave this experience

Workshop Your Ideas

Your project can be the focus for a jam-packed room full of potential top-level joint venture partners and new friends.
Listen in as our panel of experts takes our members latest and greatest ideas and put them through the “reality check.”
If you want to make a significant impact, you can’t do it with get rich quick schemes, quick fixes and zero effort, but you can do it with a well thought out idea, lots of work and some help from some of the best minds in marketing.
Now all you need to do is come up with the great idea!
Don’t worry, even if you’ve never thought up an original idea in your life, you can still get some great ones by taking part in this event.
Imagine a team of Marketing Experts working with YOUR next great idea!

Create Wealth

Creating true wealth is about securing a future for your person dreams and the dreams of the people you love.
Break down the mysteries of wealth-building!
Start with “the why” and end with everything you want to know about creating that abundant life that your heart desires.

Reboot Your Life

Harness the energy of the global re-opening of day-to-day in-person life by showing up and taking action.
Being with remarkable people can change your life in dramatic ways in a very short period of time.
Stories of change from these events are endless and inspiring and you can make it happen too. All you need to do is show up.

Get Personalized Attention From Experts Who Care.

Our Impact Family is a community of thousands of people who care about you and your dreams! For over 20 years this community of talented people have been working together to create massive, leveraged impact in the lives of the people around them. Join us and discover how much more we can accomplish working together than we ever could apart.  Bring your hopes, aspirations, and dreams, and let’s come together to make a positive difference today!

Get registered today


Event Speakers

Ken McArthur

Ken McArthur

Writer, Producer, Director

    Ken McArthur, best-selling author of “Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World,” has enabled thousands of people to achieve amazing impact by championing the philosophy that partnerships and collaboration build value for everyone.
    Selected by Fast Company as one of the 20 Most Influential People Online, Ken’s powerful call to action, “The Impact Manifesto: You Make A Difference Whether You Want To Or Not” was selected for publication by Seth Godin’s brainchild “Change This.”
    Ken is also the writer, director, and producer of a new feature film, “The Impact Factor Movie” which challenges us to realize we ALL have an impact – whether we want to or not – on thousands of people who we touch in our day-to-day lives by demonstrating that simple things make a HUGE difference.
    The popular host of a series of live events that bring together top-level marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations and non-profit organizations to create multi-million dollar joint venture relationships – he creates incredible, intense impact for product launches and multi-million dollar profits in surprisingly short timeframes.
    Regularly asked to speak at leading marketing events, he has managed product launches ranked in the top 400 sites on the Internet.
    Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs designed to help individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations reach masses of people using the techniques, tactics strategies and systems that he has developed specifically to help people spread their ideas, products and services around the globe.

    Joel Comm

    Joel Comm

    Functional Futurist

      Joel Comm is an entrepreneur, NY Times bestselling author, and new media innovator.
      An expert on harnessing the power of social media and mobile applications to expand your brand’s reach and engage in active relationship marketing, Joel is a sought-after public speaker who leaves his audience inspired, entertained, and armed with strategic tools to create a new media campaign that will explode their business.

      Larry Steinhouse

      Larry Steinhouse

      Talk Show Host, Author, Financial Coach

        Larry is the CEO of Investor Schooling and he teaches students how to make real money and build real wealth.
        He guides them through the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing, and then, renting or selling real estate. He also teaches the stock market, stock options and ways to make more money and pay less taxes.
        His new book called, “Money Hacks : Because Everything You Think You Know About Money is Wrong”, describes many of the techniques he teaches on a daily basis.
        As a coach, he has helped people learn new ways of making any business more profitable. His marketing skills are top notch, both online and off and teaches them to business owners as part of Investor Schooling.
        Larry specializes in buying properties with little, or none, of his own money. His favorite method is Subject to. He has even bought houses using credit cards!
        As The CEO of Investor Schooling, Larry teaches students how to make real money and build real wealth. He guides them through the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing, and then, renting or selling real estate.
        Another favorite pastime of Larry is teaching Stock Options Trading! A few years ago, he created a set of rules for trading options and following them has proven very profitable.
        He earned almost $750,000 in just a three-year period and has made close to 2 million dollars trading options. Larry is also a Professional fund manager who trades options for private investors.

        Troy Broussard

        Troy Broussard

        A Brash Military Contrarian with the Tenacity of a Pit Bull & the Precision of a Nuclear Engineer Dares to Teach Online Business Mastery

          Troy Broussard is a former Navy nuclear engineer, enterprise-class software developer, & API-level marketing automation specialist who has built multiple multi-million dollar software, SaaS, SEO, and native app businesses.
          He is also the author of the bestselling book Infusionsoft Mastery, and is the most respected & sought-after email automation consultant on the planet. His radical insights, ideas, & teachings about email automation have gotten praise from direct marketing industry leaders (like Perry Marshall, who wrote the intro to Troy's Infusionsoft Mastery book), New York Times Bestselling authors, as well as former-CIA & other high-level clientele in the business world's most prestigious & respected inner circles.
          For the last 20 years Troy has created automation campaigns for dozens of his 7, 8, & even 9-figure clients, helping them collectively earn well over $150 million in sales and climbing.
          Today he designs & launches tools for helping entrepreneurs run their businesses – from content creation & distribution to email & backend marketing automation to branding & even social media – right from their phones.

          Todd Brown

          Todd Brown

          Customer Acquisition Engineer

            Todd is considered the #1 authority on engineering profitable customer acquisition campaigns…
            He's the expert other experts go to when they need help with their own business.
            With clients in over 33 different countries, and operating in over 65 different mass and niche markets, it’s been said that Todd has helped his students engineer more six and seven-figure funnels than any other expert online today.
            His list of coaching students, consulting clients, and subscribers reads like a Who’s Who of A-List Entrepreneurs.
            His Agency has created the promotions behind some of the biggest direct response marketers and companies online today.

            Chris Naugle

            Chris Naugle

            America’s #1 Money Mentor

              From pro-snowboarder to money mogul, Chris Naugle has dedicated his life to being America’s #1 Money Mentor. With a core belief that success is built not by the resources you have, but by how resourceful you can be.
              His success and national acclaim have come in large part to what he’s learned first-hand from seeking a better way to wealth creation and preservation than he learned growing up.
              Chris has built and owned 19 companies, with his businesses being featured in Forbes, ABC, House Hunters, and his very own HGTV pilot in 2018. He is currently founder of The Money School™, and Money Mentor for The Money Multiplier.
              His success also includes managing tens of millions of dollars in assets in the financial services and advisory industry and in real estate transactions.
              As an innovator and visionary in wealth-building and real estate, he empowers entrepreneurs, business owners, and real estate investors with the knowledge of how money works.
              Chris is also a nationally recognized speaker, author, and podcast host. He has spoken to and taught over ten thousand Americans delivering the financial knowledge that fuels lasting freedom.

              Kellan Fluckiger

              Kellan Fluckiger

              Life and Business Coach I Ultimate Catalyst For Personal Transformation

                Coming through decades of depression, addictions, life-threatening illness, and a near-death experience, Kellan has become the ultimate catalyst to help motivated people melt barriers, move mountains and mobilize superpowers to achieve their true desires.
                As a coach and keynote speaker, Kellan’s masterful approach helps people get past old stories, change beliefs and create a life context to reach even goals that seemed impossible.

                Jim Francis

                Jim Francis

                VP Operations at FINSeminars

                  Here are some FAST FACTS about Jim.
                  8.5 years at a Fortune 500 firm, climbing the sales and marketing ranks.
                  First Tony Robbins Franchise owner in Toronto Canada.
                  First Tony Robbins fire walk promoter.
                  Promotion of speakers, Brian Tracy, Og Mandino, Ken Blanchard, and many more.
                  Real Estate and Stock investors. Trader.
                  Took his company from zero to 108 million a year, in less than 4 years.
                  Has developed over 17 educational seminar companies (2 for self, 15 for others). Domestic and International.
                  Has written, designed, and developed hundreds of products, workshops, and trainings.
                  Jim Francis believes in mentorship and you couldn't find a better mentor than Jim.

                  NETWORK WITH THE BEST

                  Our Attendees Are Remarkable!

                  The Impact Family is filled with amazing people, creating success, and incredible impact in the world. Millions of Dollars Made Together, Tens of Thousands of Lives Changed for the Better, and Incredible Impact Created Throughout This Entire Planet! And YOU join us, share your story, and become part of this treasurechest of a family. WELCOME!

                  PRICING PLANS

                  Get your Ticket

                  EARLY BIRD



                  • It’s the General Admission Ticket for all three days at the special Early-Bird Price. Grab them before they are gone!

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                  EARLY BIRD + Plus Lunch Series



                  • It’s the General Admission Ticket for all three days PLUS 3 days of exclusive networking lunches with the speakers and ViPs at the special Early-Bird Price. Grab them before they are gone!

                  Register Now

                  One Day Intensive with Joel Comm



                  • Our special pre-event offering! A full day exclusive mastermind event with Joel Comm, on Sept 21st. Limited to 12 attendees only! Check out all of the details by clicking the button below.

                  Get all the details


                  Here’s The Latest News

                  The Impact Factor Movie Is Now on Amazon

                  The Impact Factor Movie Is Now on Amazon

                  Stream this amazing movie on Amazon Right Now and Please Leave a Review. It makes a huge difference!

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                  Limited seats available. Hurry up to book your seat

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