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Reach Your Dreams

Join Our Impact Family and discover a community of thousands who genuinely care about you and your dreams. For over 20 years, our talented community has worked together to create a massive, leveraged impact in the lives of those around them. Together, we can accomplish so much more than we ever could apart. Bring your hopes, aspirations, and dreams, and let’s make a positive difference today!

Celebrate over two decades of changing lives with the Impact family. This event is an opportunity to build lifetime relationships with top-level marketers and thought leaders. Gain access to Advanced Marketing Strategies and Tactics that will empower you to build your own mass audience of millions of enthusiastic followers, eager to support your ideas and fund your goals and dreams!

Be there in person at the Impact School of Marketing
108 Corporate Drive E Langhorne PA 19047

Live Your Dream, Reboot Your Life. Elevate Your Impact

Get Personalized Attention From Experts Who Care.

Our Impact Family is a community of thousands of people who care about you and your dreams! For over 20 years this community of talented people have been working together to create massive, leveraged impact in the lives of the people around them. Join us and discover how much more we can accomplish working together than we ever could apart.  Bring your hopes, aspirations, and dreams, and let’s come together to make a positive difference today!

Goals of the Conference

Celebrate over two decades of changing lives with the Impact family. Build close lifetime relationships with top-level marketers and thought leaders. Get Advanced Marketing Strategies and Tactics to build your own mass audience of millions of fans eager to follow your ideas and projects and fund your goals and dreams!

Learning Objectives

Expand your ideas, your mindset and your results as you touch the lives of millions. Leverage multiple media channels to broaden your reach. Discover the secrets of getting radio, television and press coverage Explore how the Internet and social media can expand your audience Experience the magic of learning to create a mass audience!

This is Perfect for You!

Authors, speakers, musicians, artists, celebrities, experts, marketers, advocates, non-profit organizations, corporations and anyone who wants to reach the masses, and gain the knowledge, tools, experience, and insights necessary to drive millions of people to their ideas, programs, products and services will crave this experience.

Workshop Your Ideas

Your project can be the focus for a jam-packed room full of potential top-level joint venture partners and new friends. Listen in as our panel of experts takes our member’s latest and greatest ideas and puts them through the “reality check.” If you want to make a significant impact, you can’t do it with get-rich-quick schemes, quick fixes, and zero effort, but you can do it with a well-thought-out idea, lots of work, and some help from some of the best minds in marketing. Now all you need to do is come up with a great idea! Don’t worry, even if you’ve never thought up an original idea in your life, you can still get some great ones by taking part in this event. Imagine a team of Marketing Experts working with YOUR next great idea!

Create Wealth

Creating true wealth is about securing a future for your personal dreams and the dreams of the people you love. Break down the mysteries of wealth-building! Start with “the why” and end with everything you want to know about creating that abundant life that your heart desires.

Reboot Your Life

Harness the energy of the global re-opening of day-to-day in-person life by showing up and taking action. Being with remarkable people can change your life in dramatic ways in a very short period of time. Stories of change from these events are endless and inspiring and you can make it happen too. All you need to do is show up.

Don’t Wait!

Grab Your Early-Bird Ticket Now and Save

Meet Your Speakers

Ken McArthur

Ken McArthur, best-selling author of “Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World,” has enabled thousands of people to achieve amazing impact by championing the philosophy that partnerships and collaboration build value for everyone.

Selected by Fast Company as one of the 20 Most Influential People Online, Ken’s powerful call to action, “The Impact Manifesto: You Make A Difference Whether You Want To Or Not” was selected for publication by Seth Godin’s brainchild “Change This” which places his manifesto in the company of manifestos written by Seth Godin, Hugh MacLeod, Guy Kawasaki, Chris Anderson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Tom Peters, Malcolm Gladwell and Robert Scoble.

Ken McArthur produced “The Impact Manifesto” as a short film to benefit over 100 non-profit organizations by raising funds and awareness for their programs.

Ken is also the writer, director, and producer of a new feature film, “The Impact Factor Movie” which challenges us to realize we ALL have an impact – whether we want to or not – on thousands of people who we touch in our day-to-day lives by demonstrating that simple things make a HUGE difference.

The popular host of a series of live events that bring together top-level marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations, and non-profit organizations to create multi-million dollar joint venture relationships – he creates incredible, intense impact for product launches and multi-million dollar profits in surprisingly short timeframes.

Regularly asked to speak at leading marketing events, he has managed product launches ranked in the top 400 sites on the Internet. Ken McArthur is also the creator of AffiliateShowcase, a pioneering affiliate program search engine and directory system, and the founder of the MBS Internet Research Center, which conducted the world’s largest survey ever attempted on the subject of creating and launching successful information products.

Not satisfied to concentrate entirely on large organizations, Ken also works with select individuals to help them create a decent living utilizing the power of the Internet.

Ken was the official mentor for Sterling Valentine as he took his launch from ZERO to over $100,000 in less than 8 days. Ken and Sterling documented the process as a “proof of concept” for Info Product Blueprint a massive home study course that is the “bible” of info product creation.

Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs designed to help individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations reach masses of people using the techniques, tactics strategies and systems that he has developed specifically to help people spread their ideas, products and services around the globe.

Armand Morin

Armand Morin is an Internet marketing expert who has built a multimillion-dollar international business. In 1996, he started with $1.83 in his pocket and no experience. He had grown it into a multi-million dollar international business, which has done business in over 100 countries worldwide.

Over the past 20 years, he has built his Internet Marketing empire to the point that he is one of the most well-known Internet Marketers in the world today, teaching everyone from newbies to experts. He leads the exact techniques and strategies he uses daily in his business. His thousands of students have also produced millions of dollars in online revenue.

Armand Morin is one of the most referenced names in Internet marketing. A quick search on Yahoo, Google, and MSN shows his name alone on hundreds of thousands of websites. His name is mentioned in numerous books on Amazon.

Armand is an international speaker and trainer. It’s not uncommon to see him share the stage with people like Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Loral Langemeier, Bill Bartman, Robert Allen, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Joe Polish, Jay Conrad Levinson, T. Harv Eker, Andrew Reynolds, and many, many others.

Armand’s straight-to-the-point teaching style has the unique ability to transform a business in 90 minutes or less and has made him a highly sought-after speaker worldwide. He has vast constituencies in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Armand also ran the most prestigious and largest Internet Marketing seminar in the United States, which has trained more people on Internet Marketing than any other seminar.

Even though Armand is a self-proclaimed geek, he delivers his teachings for the non-techie mind in plain English so people can understand and learn from them. Armand has dedicated much of his online career to making it easy for others to market their businesses successfully online and has helped thousands of people from all walks of life to increase and enhance their online business, which is why many of today’s top Internet Marketers proudly call him their mentor.

Armand Morin truly believes in the concept of “Success Leaves Traces®” and is sincerely committed to the success of online entrepreneurs.

Larry Steinhouse

Larry is the CEO of Investor Schooling and he teaches students how to make real money and build real wealth.

He guides them through the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing, and then, renting or selling real estate. He also teaches the stock market, stock options, and ways to make more money and pay less taxes.

His new book called, “Money Hacks: Because Everything You Think You Know About Money is Wrong”, describes many of the techniques he teaches on a daily basis.

Larry Steinhouse always dreamed big and knew he would be a millionaire one day. At 18 years old he bought his first investment property, a duplex in Easton Pennsylvania. One year later he sold the property for 50% profit! Larry says: “This was the first mistake I made, I should have held onto it, after all, it had positive cash flow.” Throughout the years, Larry has had successes and failures but each experience carried with it a lesson. Larry Steinhouse is a long-term investor who knows his stuff!

As a coach, he has helped people learn new ways of making any business more profitable. His marketing skills are top-notch, both online and off and he teaches them to business owners as part of Investor Schooling.

Larry specializes in buying properties with little, or none, of his own money. His favorite method is Subject to. He has even bought houses using credit cards!

As The CEO of Investor Schooling, Larry teaches students how to make real money and build real wealth. He guides them through the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing, and then, renting or selling real estate.

Another favorite pastime of Larry is teaching Stock Options Trading! A few years ago, he created a set of rules for trading options, and following them has proven very profitable.

He earned almost $750,000 in just a three-year period and has made close to 2 million dollars trading options. Larry is also a Professional fund manager who trades options for private investors.

Sterling Valentine

Sterling Valentine launched his first info product in 2006, starting from zero to generating over $100K in 90 days. He grew a six figure business from home and successfully created his own $10K coaching program. Sterling has spoken on stages and led mastermind events across the U.S. and in Europe.

His passion for high ticket offers came after being diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s disease. Having a high ticket offer gave him the ability to earn a full-time income even when his health limited his productive hours, allowing him to stay alive. He recently had a breakthrough surgery that helps control his symptoms. Sterling credits this skill with his survival and believes all coaches should have their own high ticket offer. 

Kellan Fluckiger

With everything moving faster, and tastes and technology changing at breakneck speed, achieving RESULTS that matter is more critical than ever. Finding and eliminating external and internal roadblocks quickly and efficiently is the only way to survive in today’s complex world.

As a C-level executive in multiple countries and a consultant, business coach, and standing ovation motivational and leadership speaker with over 30 years’ experience, the results speak for themselves. Kellan has developed unique and effective systems that drive unprecedented growth and results for individuals, executives, and cross-functional teams. Alberta’s Energy Minister commented, “Kellan has forgotten more about leadership than most people will ever know.”

He has been a keynote speaker and workshop presenter to audiences from 20 to 2000 across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Asia. With a combination of engaging stories, powerful principles, and actionable tools and frameworks, Kellan will entertain, instruct, motivate, and above all, change the way you look at business leadership.

Kellan’s clients include luminaries and leaders. The Governor of California, senior legislators in the U.S. and Canada, CEOs of major U.S. and Canadian corporations, Super Bowl winners, BMI Music Award winners, top Hollywood actors/actresses, best-selling authors, doctors, individual entrepreneurs, and everyone in between.

He has also appeared before the US Senate, the California legislature, FERC, and spoken at Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Alberta, and the University of Monterrey.

Tracy Repchuck

Tracy Repchuk is a world leader and influencer in digital strategy and online marketing technologies. She is an International speaker in over 37 countries, a 7-time #1 International Bestselling Author including 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles, and a consultant for fully branded online marketing solutions.

As an award-winning entrepreneur since 1985 she is a trusted choice for thousands of clients worldwide, who want current digital and business intelligence done for you or transferred to your teams to produce massive results fast.

Tracy works with CEOs and business owners to build and manage your digital marketing and online strategies so you can catapult your sales and reach millions with your product or service. We can act as a turnkey delivery, or training so that you can leverage your in-house reps more effectively.

Tracy graduated with a degree in IT and started a software company at the age of 19, followed that with an accounting designation, and has been developing solutions for the internet since 1994.

By implementing Internet marketing directly into your corporate culture, and integrating social media techniques with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked In, Instagram, and YouTube, you will see your business move to the next level!

Tracy has appeared on ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, City TV, CBC, CW, 4 Your Money, Report on Business TV, HGTV, USA Today, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, and over 50 publications, newspapers, magazines, and 3 motivational movies.

Tom Beal

Meet Tom Bell, a legendary figure in the internet marketing realm whose career, spanning over 29 years, reads like an adventure novel in the fast-paced world of B2C marketing. Tom is not just a marketer; he’s a visionary who has masterfully generated over $250 million through his endeavors, a testament to his unparalleled expertise and innovative strategies.

Tom’s resume is as impressive as his reputation, having helmed four trailblazing marketing companies into the rarified air of 10M+ in earnings. But it’s in the creation of DOZENS of 7 and 8 figure B2C offers where Tom truly shines. These aren’t just numbers on a page; they’re milestones of success for both his ventures and those of his copywriting clients.

His ability to identify and capitalize on human behavior has not only built fortunes but has also crafted a legacy that continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of marketers.
What sets Tom apart is not just his Midas touch in business but his unique journey and connections within the industry. Having turned down dinner invitations from presidents and rubbed shoulders with the “OGs” of the marketing world, Tom’s life story intertwines with the history of internet marketing itself. His global travels have not just been for leisure; they’ve been instrumental in building a network that spans continents, cultures, and markets.

At 57, Tom Bell remains a pivotal figure in the marketing world, embodying the spirit of innovation, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. His story is not just about the wealth gained and lost, and gained again, but about the lives touched, the businesses transformed, and the indelible mark he continues to leave on the industry.

As we welcome Tom to this seminar, we’re gaining insights from a real life “OG” whose experiences, knowledge, and wisdom are gold mines for anyone eager to navigate the thrilling waters of internet marketing.

Expand Your Mind

New Ideas and Insights

Expand your ideas, broaden your mindset, and achieve unprecedented results as you touch the lives of millions. There is so much to explore – uncover the secrets of getting radio, television, and press coverage. Learn how the Internet and social media can exponentially expand your audience. Experience the magic of creating a mass audience like never before.

Seize the opportunity to harness the energy of the global re-opening of day-to-day in-person life. By showing up and taking action, you can immerse yourself in the company of remarkable individuals who can substantially transform your life in a very short period of time. The stories of change that arise from these events are endless and inspiring, and you too can be part of that journey. All you need to do is show up.

Supercharge Your Ideas

Put Your Project On the Hotseat!

Witness our panel of experts as they take the latest and greatest ideas from our members and subject them to the ultimate “reality check”. Making a significant impact requires more than get-rich-quick schemes or zero effort – it demands a well-thought-out idea, hard work, and guidance from the best minds in marketing. Even if you’ve never come up with an original idea before, this event will inspire you and provide you with great ideas to propel your journey forward.

Imagine a dedicated team of marketing experts working hand in hand with YOUR next great idea! Creating true wealth goes beyond personal gain; it involves securing a future for your loved ones and their dreams. Let us break down the mysteries of wealth-building, starting with “the why” and ending with everything you need to know about creating the abundant life that your heart desires.

Advanced Marketing Strategies

Spread Your Ideas To Millions

At “The Impact Event,” not only will you learn the latest and most advanced marketing strategies available, but you’ll also find powerful partners to help you spread your ideas, products, and services globally. Our world-class speakers and super panel, featuring industry experts will unveil the strategies that most people don’t know about. Join us and upgrade your life, wealth, health, lifestyle, and business. Gain the knowledge, tools, experience, and insights necessary to drive millions of people toward your ideas, programs, products, and services.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Be proactive and take action now!

This Event is for YOU!

Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced

This event is a must for authors, speakers, musicians, artists, celebrities, experts, marketers, advocates, non-profit organizations, corporations, or anyone seeking to reach the masses. Gain the knowledge, tools, experience, and insights necessary to drive millions of people toward your ideas, programs, products, and services. Your project can become the focus of a jam-packed room full of potential top-level joint venture partners and new friends.

YOUR Great Experience Awaits

September 21st and 22nd, 2024

Get Personalized Attention From Experts Who Care.

Our Impact Family is a community of thousands of people who care about you and your dreams! For over 20 years this community of talented people has been working together to create massive, leveraged impact in the lives of those around them. Join us and discover how much more we can accomplish working together than we ever could apart.  Bring your hopes, aspirations, and dreams, and let’s come together to make a positive difference today!

Don’t wait to lock in your seat!

Our Attendees Are Remarkable!

Network With The Best!
The Impact Family is filled with amazing people, creating success, and incredible impact in the world. Millions of Dollars Made Together, Tens of Thousands of Lives Changed for the Better, and Incredible Impact Created Throughout This Entire Planet! And YOU join us, share your story, and become part of this treasure chest of a family. WELCOME!

  • Expert Networking
  • Lifetime Connections
  • Wonderful Family